Wednesday 14 November 2012



Physics is the study of the properties of matter, energy and there mutual relationship is called Physics. Physics is a Greek word (from Phusikos) means natural, from Physis mean Nature.
If we study or determine the properties of matter like its hardness, density, thermal expansion etc then we are physicists. Similarly if we are studying that how energies of different form are produced and how one form is converted into another from it means that we are studying physics. And also if we study there mutual relationship(energy and matter) i.e  E=mc²   . In this relation "E" represents energy, "m" the quantity of mass and "c" speed of light . 

Why Physics is necessary?

It is one of the fundamental of sciences because
1. matter interact with energy to express its properties and changes its forms, from one to another. 
2.importance of energy in the history of the universe.
3. when matter is decomposes in to its parts, energy plays an important role.
 Also if we want to know about our surroundings like why radio waves can travel from empty space, why sky is blue, how moon, other planets or a satellite revolve around its orbits, we can only find the answers by using the laws and principles of Physics.

Uses in our Daily Life

We use law and principles of physics in our daily life, from home to our work place every where we see and adopt that principles.we use cold refrigerator to cool the things, and hot furnace to warm it, our cell phone, cars, buses , vehicle even fastest planes, all work on the principles of Physics.   


The most basic branches of Physics are mechanics and fields theory. Mechanics deals with the motion of material objects under the action of forces, Field theory explains the origin, nature and properties of fields such as gravitational field, electromagnetic fields and nuclear fields etc. 
The conventional main branches of physics are mechanics, heat and magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics, geophysics, astrophysics and biophysics. 


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